I would like to introduce to you our new team member, “CHIRP” (Convenient Healthcare in Ready to use Packages); which is our new compliance packaging robot.
Now you’re probably thinking, what is compliance? How does this relate to me?
Compliance is how well you take your medication, in the proper time and dosage that the prescriber has written for you. Your prescriber has a reason for writing the prescriptions like he has. It might be needed to take on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before anything else, or even in the evening over the morning. Most people on average out of a 12 month supply of medications they only get 9 filled. Why’s that you ask. It’s due to how well they are compliant and how well they take their medications. It’s easy to miss a dose, or get busy and forget to take your medications with you before you leave the house. Well Chirp can help!
Chirp pre-packs your medications in individual packages that are easy and ready for your busy life. The packages are dated and timed so you know when you need to take them. Each package has the specific medications in it so you know exactly what you should be taking. The packages are labeled with the drug name, how many you take, the prescriber, and the prescription number. The packages are 3×3 and very easy to carry.